Breaking News

Police arrested two suicide bomber in Borno

Two suicide bombers in the early hours of Friday killed themselves in Maiduguri, Borno State while police officers arrested the third.

The suicide bomber blew up themselves at a police checkpoint near the Federal

High Court Complex in Maiduguri, after police officers on guard tried to stop them from advancing towards their post.

According to the State Police Public Relations Officer, Victor Ishiaku, the three suicide bombers, two females and a male were spotted creeping in the dark towards the police post at about 3.50 a.m.

Isiaku said, “By 3:50 a.m. today, mobile police personnel on guard duty opposite the federal high court, sighted three suspected suicide bombers (2females & a male) running towards their sandbag.

“They ordered them to a halt for questioning. In the process, one of them detonated the IED strapped to her body, killing herself and one other male accomplice.

“The other female survivor was arrested alive and subsequently handed over to the military for further exploitation and necessary follow up actions.

“Police bomb disposal units also mobilized to the scene to detonate unexploded IEDs on the bodies of the deceased suicide bombers. The second bang was as a result of the demolition of the remaining IEDs by police EOD units. Normalcy has already been restored”

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