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Jobs in Ministry of commerce and Textile

Jobs in Ministry of commerce and Textile
Textile Division
Situation Vacant

Pakistan cotton standards institute (PCS) is a body corporate working under the administrateive control o fthis ministry. PCSI’s head office is situated in Karachi and its two regional offices are at multan and sukkur. Its functions include classing. Grading and standardization of cotton and instrumental classification of cotton to promote quality control of cotton. Applications are invited for filling up following vacant posts of PCSI on regular basis. The prescribed qualification, experience and age limit for the posts are given below:
1. Director
Qualification/ Experience
                                I.            Ph.D in agriculture Economics/Fibre Technology or M.Sc in agriculture Economics/Fibre Technology.
                              II.            Ten years experience in case of Ph.D and 15 years experience in the case of M.Sc in:
a)      Cotton classing, quality control. Ginning processing and fibre testing.
b)      Economic research in the field of cotton.
c)       Agricultural marketing and pricing of cotton.
d)      Ten publications on the subject.
                            III.            Three years experience in project planning, designing, execution and management of R&D projects in a government or in a reputable organization in public or private sector, with five publications on the subject.
Age Limit: 40 years
2. Joint Director
Qualification/ Experience
I.                    Ph.D in agriculture Economics/Fibre Technology or M.Sc in agriculture Economics/Fibre Technology.
II.                  Ten years experience in case of Ph.D and 15 years experience in the case of M.Sc in:
e)      Cotton classing, quality control. Ginning processing and fibre testing.
f)       Economic research in the field of cotton.
g)      Agricultural marketing and pricing of cotton.
h)      Ten publications on the subject.
III.                Three years experience in project planning, designing, execution and management of R&D projects in a government or in a reputable organization in public or private sector, with five publications on the subject.
Age Limit: 40 years

Interested candidates my apply alongwith C.V, copies of testimonials, CNIC, domicile and recent photograph to the undersigned office at ministry of commerce & Textile (Textile Division) 1st floor Evacuee Trust Complex, F-5/1, Islamabad within 20 days after publishing of this advertisement.

The employees already in service may apply through proper channel. Application which are incomplete or received after due date will not be entertained.

The post carries allowances as admissible to federal vovernment employees in the corresponding grade / basic pay scale.
No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates called for test / interview.
The competent authority reserves the right to acdept or reject any one or all the applications.
In case no suitabgle candidate found, five (5) years age relaxation will be sught.

Deputy secretary (PCSI)
1st floor evacuee Trust Complex, F-5/1, Islamabad. Tel:   0519217245

Jobs in Ministry of commerce and Textile

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