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Jobs in Mujahid Force as Sipahi 2017

Jobs in Mujahid Force as Sipahi 2017

Pakistan Army has announced various Jobs for Mujahid Force The Latest Advertisement Join Mujahid Force as Sipahi | Pak Army Mujahid Force Jobs 2017.

  1. General Duty / Trademan
  2. Clerk 
  3. Trademan 
  4. Sanitary worker

Eliglity Criteria:-
Applicants must of Citizen of Pakistan including Gilgil Baltistan & Azad Kashmir.

Age Limit: 
For General Duty / Trademan, Clerk & Trademan Age should in between 18 to 23 years while for Sanitar workers age should in between 18 to 30 years as of 3rd of May 2018. 
Height Standard: For General Duty Trademan  & Clerk Height should at least 5 feet 6 ich while for trademan & Sanitary workers height should be atleast 5 feet 4 inch.

Clerk: Minimum Intermediate
Educational Qualification:
For General Duty : Minumum Matric Qualification
Sanitary worker: Minimum Primary
Trademan: Minimum Middle

Documents Required :
  1. 4 Photographs
  2. Attested Father's CNIC Photocopy
  3. CNIC or B- Form
  4. Domicile
  5. Original Certificates / Degrees with one set of photocopies

Mujahid Force Recruitment Schedule:
  1. Rawalpindi  28-30 November 2017
  2. Muzaffarabad (AJK) 2-4 December 2017
  3. Bhumbher (AJK) 9-12 December 2017
  4. Gilgilt: 19-20 December 2017

Contact Numbers:- 03480005947   & 05828444449

Jobs in Mujahid Force as Sipahi 2017

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